Prize Claiming
How to Claim Your Prize for Games Purchased at Retail
This section provides a summary of how to claim prizes won from tickets purchased at retail locations. For a full review of the legal requirements for a claims process please consult New Hampshire Administrative Rules SW 500 and SW 600. All prizes must be claimed within 1 year of the date the prize was won.
Nothing in this document constitutes legal or financial advice. Claimants may wish to seek legal or financial counsel prior to claiming a prize.
Claiming Prizes of $599 or Less
If you possess a winning ticket for a prize of $599.99 or less, you may claim it at any participating New Hampshire Lottery® retailer or by mail. Our retailers may, and are encouraged to, pay prizes up to and including $599.99.
When claiming by mail:
Complete the back of the ticket with your name, address and telephone number and sign the ticket. Mail to: Attn: Claims, New Hampshire Lottery, 14 Integra Drive, Concord, NH 03301.
Claiming Prizes of $600 or More
If you possess a winning ticket for a prize of $600 or greater you may claim it at the
New Hampshire Lottery® Headquarters
or you may claim it by mail as detailed below.
Claim at Lottery Headquarters
1. Positive photo identification and proof of Social Security Number must accompany claims. 2. Acceptable forms of current and valid (not expired) photo identification include:
• State Issued Driver’s license • State Issued Non-Driver identification • Passport • Military ID
3. Acceptable forms of proof of Social Security Number include:
• Original signed Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administration. • Health Insurance card with social security number listed. • Valid driver's license on which the Social Security Number is listed. • An original paycheck stub, issued within the past 30 days, on which the complete Social Security Number is printed. • Any other original document that contains a printed social security number and that the Lottery Commission determines to be valid and genuine. • You may complete a W-9 tax document at the Lottery.
Claim By Mail
You must complete the following actions and send a letter addressed to Attn: Claims, New Hampshire Lottery, 14 Integra Drive, Concord, NH 03301.
Complete the back of the ticket with your name, address and telephone number and sign the ticket.
Download, completely fill out and sign the prize claim form below and include a copy of photo proof of identification and a copy of an acceptable form of proof of Social Security Number (see above for acceptable forms).
We recommend that you mail your information via "Certified Mail," which provides proof your information was mailed and proof your information was received. The Lottery is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, misaddressed, incomplete, illegible tickets or mail postage.
Download form
Click here
(Prize Claim Form) and print. You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open and print these forms.
Issuing prize Upon receipt of your paperwork and your ticket, your ticket must be validated by the Lottery Commission. If the ticket and prize claim are fully validated and approved, a check in the proper amount will be issued. Processing time is approximately one week from the time your ticket is received. The Lottery Commission is required to report any winnings over $599 to the Internal Revenue Service using a W2-G document; this will be mailed to you at the end of the year. The Lottery Commission will also withhold federal tax at the applicable rates set by the United States Internal Revenue Service. The Lottery Commission is also required to withhold past due child support owed by the Claimant.
How to Claim Your Prize for Games Purchased through iLottery
This section provides a summary of how to claim prizes won from tickets purchased on the New Hampshire iLottery system. For a full review of the rules and regulations relating to iLottery, please review the iLottery Terms and Conditions. All prizes must be claimed within 1 year of the date the prize was won. Nothing in this document constitutes legal or financial advice. Claimants may wish to seek legal or financial counsel prior to claiming a prize.
Claiming Prizes of under $600
If playing iLottery, all prizes under $600 will automatically be added to your balance. You do not submit a claim for these winnings.
Claiming Prizes of $600 - $9,999.99
For all winnings of $600 through $9,999.99 won playing iLottery, you will need to submit a claim through the iLottery portal. See below for step by step instructions. Once a claim is submitted, please allow 3-5 business days for the funds to appear in your account.
Mobile Phone:
Sign in using the Profile icon in the upper-right portion of your screen. Select “
Sign In
” from the menu and enter your New Hampshire iLottery account credentials.
2. Select “My Account” from the menu.
3. Scroll down the My Account page to the History section and select “
Tax Reported Prizes
4. Select “
” to start the claim process.
: Certain claims will require you to send additional information. You can select “
” to learn more.
5. Enter the first five (5) digits of your Social Security Number (your last four (4) will auto-populate), then check each box to sign electronically and then select “
: You only need to submit your full Social Security Number the first time you submit a claim of $600 and greater to verify your identity for tax documentation.
6. When you see this screen, your claim was successfully submitted! You can check the status of your claim by returning to the
Tax Reported Prizes
section of the
My Account
menu. Once your claim is processed, prizes under $10,000 will be deposited into your account. Any prize over $10,000 must be claimed at Lottery Headquarters.
Desktop Computer:
Click on “
Sign In
” in the upper right of your screen. Enter your New Hampshire iLottery account credentials to access your NH iLottery account. Select your “
Hi, (your name)
” to expand the navigation menu.
2. Select “My Account” from the menu.
3. Select “
Tax Reported Prizes
4. Select “
" to start the claim process.
: Certain claims will require you to send additional information. You can select “
” to learn more.
5. Enter the first five (5) digits of your Social Security Number (your last four (4) will auto-populate), then check each box to sign electronically and then select “
: You only need to submit your full Social Security Number the first time you submit a claim of $600 or greater to verify your identity for tax documentation.
6. When you see this screen your claim was successfully submitted. You can check the status of your claim by returning to the
Tax Reported Prizes
section of the
My Account
menu. Once your claim is processed, prizes under $10,000 will be deposited into your account. Any prize over $10,000 must be claimed at Lottery Headquarters.
Claiming Prizes of $10,000 or Greater
For all prizes of $10,000 and greater that are won on tickets purchased through iLottery, the player will need to either come to the NH Lottery Headquarters in person or submit their claim via mail. Both options are detailed below.
Claim at Lottery Headquarters
Winners seeking to claim their prize at New Hampshire Lottery headquarters for tickets purchased through iLottery are strongly encouraged to call the Lottery Commission at 603-271-3391 to make an appointment to claim their prizes. Appointments may be made at a time that is convenient for the winner between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays when the Lottery is closed. When making an appointment, claimants will be asked for some preliminary information including name, address, last four numbers of their Social Security Number and a contact phone number. While making an appointment to submit a claim is not required, it will significantly shorten the claims verification and payment process upon arrival.
Claimants must take the following actions to claim their prize:
1. Positive photo identification and proof of Social Security Number must accompany claims. 2. Acceptable forms of current and valid (not expired) photo identification include:
• State Issued Driver’s license • State Issued Non-Driver identification • Passport • Military ID
3. Acceptable forms of proof of Social Security Number include:
• Original signed Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administration. • Health Insurance card with social security number listed. • Valid driver's license on which the Social Security Number is listed. • An original paycheck stub, issued within the past 30 days, on which the complete Social Security Number is printed. • Any other original document that contains a printed Social Security Number and that the Lottery Commission determines to be valid and genuine. • You may complete a W-9 tax document at the Lottery.
Claimants are encouraged, but not required to, print a copy of the e-mail that verified their winning ticket for submission with the claim.
Claim By Mail
You must complete the following actions and send a letter addressed to Attn: Claims, New Hampshire Lottery, 14 Integra Drive, Concord, NH 03301.
Download, completely fill out and sign the prize claim form below and include a copy of photo proof of identification and a copy of an acceptable form of proof of Social Security Number (see above for acceptable forms).
We encourage, but do not require, you to include a printed copy of the e-mail that verified the winning ticket you are seeking to claim.
We recommend that you mail your information via "Certified Mail," which provides proof your information was mailed and proof your information was received.
The Lottery is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, misaddressed, incomplete, illegible tickets or mail postage.
Download form
Click here
(Prize Claim Form) and print. You must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open and print these forms.
Issuing prize
Upon receipt of your claim, your ticket must be validated by the Lottery Commission. If the prize claim is fully validated and approved, a check in the proper amount will be issued. Processing time is approximately one week from the time your ticket is received.
The Lottery Commission is required to report any winnings over $599 to the Internal Revenue Service using a W2-G document; this will be mailed to you at the end of the year. The Lottery Commission will also withhold federal tax at the applicable rates set by the United States Internal Revenue Service. The Lottery Commission is also required to withhold past due child support owed by the Claimant.
Winner Privacy
All documents received by the New Hampshire Lottery Commission are subject to Public Records Law RSA91-A. It is the practice of the Lottery Commission to release the names and hometowns of winners of lottery prizes. Personal information such as street address, phone numbers, social security numbers and other personal information is held confidential and is not released unless required by law.