Each year, the New Hampshire Lottery® completes a

Comprehensive Financial Report

and a

Revenue Sheet

. Additionally on this page, we provide sports betting revenue. All of these items are made public, as we hold ourselves accountable to the citizens of New Hampshire and keep our finances public. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association for certification by a special review committee. The New Hampshire Lottery is proud to have been awarded this certification, which represents excellence in financial reporting.

Comprehensive Financial Report

New Hampshire Lottery Yearly Revenue

New Hampshire Lottery Yearly Sports Betting Summaries


Over 2 billion dollars to education and counting

When it comes to our kids' education, our expectations are high. And at a time when states are looking for new ways to generate revenue to support quality education, expectations are even higher. That’s why the New Hampshire Lottery has always been committed to education, and ever since 1964, its profits have been earmarked for state education funding. So far, of the more than $9.7 billion in sales and other earnings, over $2.8 billion has been given to New Hampshire schools and $6.6 billion has been paid out in prizes and other cost of sales.

Historically, for each dollar you spend on Lottery tickets, approximately 29 cents goes back to the state to aid education, which helps to provide a brighter future for all of our kids. When you play the Lottery, you make co-winners out of us all.

pie chart depicting where the lottery money goes

New Hampshire Lottery Yearly Revenue >

Comprehensive Financial Report >

New Hampshire Department of Education >